Safety Through Knowledge
As a student pilot it is very exciting to to hear your instructor say, "Let's go flying." After all, getting in the air is the reason you started flight training.
Lone Star Flight Training begins your training in the classroom and then applies this knowledge to your flying experience building and developing skills in the air. It is the ground training which maximizes your proficiency and decision making skills.
Your instructor at Lone Star will instruct, and clarify the fundamentals of your ground training. You will gain more than facts to pass a test; You will have a foundation for becoming a safe and proficient pilot. It is recommended that for every flight hour you spend 3 hours of ground study outside the classroom.
Our Experience is:
The cockpit makes a very expensive classroom.
A safe pilot needs more information than it takes to pass a test.
You probably won't watch all 18 hours of DVD.
You can't learn everything in a weekend course.
Knowledge increases your safety.
Today's flight training must include a solid foundation of practical knowledge to make good aeronautical decisions on the ground and in the air. This includes learning aerodynamics, weather, airport operations, navigation, flight planning, recovery from unusual attitudes, weight and balance and the FARs.
Our goal is to have your flight training become second nature, much like driving a car.
Before taking your FAA check ride with a DPE (Designated Pilot Examiner), you must take and pass an FAA Airman Written Knowledge Test with a score of 70% or better.
The Student Must Commit to:
Being medically fit
Studying the required material prior to a lesson, and review it afterward.
Set simple goals. First focus on soloing.
Be on time and mentally prepared for your lesson.
Write down questions to discuss with your instructor.
Do not fly under personal pressure or illness.
Have a good command of the English language.
Realize that there is a learning curve.
Respect your instructors abilities. His desire is to see you succeed.
Assess after several lessons if you enjoy flying. If not, do not continue.
© 2021 Lone Star