Lone Star

Flight Training & Testing Center

Pricing... or How to ask the right questions

Choosing a Flight School based on the lowest price is like going to a buffet expecting a quality meal.

You will get what you pay for!

There are many reasons outside of pricing to be certain you are choosing the right flight school for you.

1.Do you like the instructor?  You will be spending a minimum of 20 hours training in a small airplane.

2. Is your training aircraft well maintained?  Ask about the maintenance program.

3. Are they insured and are you insured as the student?

4. Do they let you know about Non-Owner Renter's Insurance?

5. Do they inform you about hidden fees?

Here is a list: Text Books, (headphones, charts, plotters, E-6b), FAA knowledge testing, The examiners's fee, Cancelled lesson charges.

6. How does their scheduling work?

7. Will you have the same plane and instructor for all of your training?

8. Will you be paying up the total cost up front?

9. What is their cancellation policy/will you get your money back? 

10. How long does the training take?  Do they quote only the minimum or the national average?

Most training time is based on the student: frequency of flight, study outside the classroom, and aptitude

11. How many flight training hours does your instructor have, not just hours while learning how to fly.

12. Will your Instructor leave you hanging when they get their gig flying the big jets?

Please note that pricing is not the first question here.

Your safety, the quality and experience training, and customer courtesy should be foremost in your choice of flight school.

Thank you for reading this.  Now Pricing

Instructor Rate: $50.00 per hour

Aircraft Rental $95.00 Dry Rate.

Fuel cost is base on hobbs time at 8 gal per flight hour at current market price. 

Get to know us with an Introductory flight $99.00 loggable time. 

Call us for more detail call 832-721-3158. If you e-mail us we will reply

by asking you to call us at 832-721-3158.